martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008

Week 2: Rethinking epistemology: Connective knowledge

I' m trying to keep up with the number of readings for this week. So far I have done three and I'd really like to have more time to go deeply into the ideas presented. But that is the current speed of information, I only have time to grasp some ideas, here and there.

The article of Dave Cormier really caught my attention with the term "rhizomatic" which made me go back to those days at elementary school, long, long time ago. Since I didn't remember quite well what a rhizome was , I started by making some searches to really understand the metaphor ( by Deleux and Guattari, 1987) used to illustrate a more flexible approach to knowledge and also how communities develop without having a center, having no hierarchical but multiple horizontal relationships (connections)like the rhizome structure. I also agreed with idea that rhizomes (knowledge) spread, need space to grow and can't be confined to limited spaces (e.g. pots/classrooms )
Traditional conceptions about knowledge, educational systems and universities ( characterized by "arborescence conceptions" with linear and vertical organization) could consider this approach threatening to their monolitic structures.
Well , that's all for now.

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