jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008

Week1: What is Connectivism?(1)


After listening to George’s audio I’ve been thinking that the best way I can help myself understand Connectivism is by summarizing the main points presented. I know that I learn a lot by intuition so I' m going to get the input and ,in due time,I don't know exactly when, the connection will be made and I will grasp the concept of Connectivism which I think I know by experimenting with virtual communities but I can not express right now with words.

Well, there are five principles that conform the foundations of any learning theory:
· the need to externalize to make sense: ways to express ( words, art, tools)
· The need for structures frameworks for sensemaking
· The need to socialize and negotiate around knowledge: dialogue
· The nature of our mind to note, recognize and draw patterns from situations/environments
· The desire to extend our humanity through technology: overcoming our limitations with the use of tools and innnovation.
In Connectivism:
  • knowledge is essentially networked and distributed
  • the experience of learning is one of forming new neural, conceptual and external networks. “Knowing” is to be in a particular manner of connectedness.
  • Learning occurs is complex, chaotic shifting spaces.
  • The principles of exploring, interacting with others and building knowledge is mediated by technology.

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