miércoles, 31 de enero de 2007

Staying up late

Uuuuff! Today has been such a busy day! The CD-roms are available in Bogotá at La Tienda Javeriana, and I spent all afternoon sending e-mails with instructions and documents to the 8 students in the course. Well, I'm tired but excited. Now, it's almost midnight and I'm still doing tasks for my EVO2007 workshops...a night owl, you know.
I'm very happy because I took part in a contest about "Innovations in Pedagogical Practices" and my proposal on Blended learning: The Virtual Community as a support for the EFL Learning Process was selected as one of the winners. Awesome!

2 comentarios:

Buthaina Alothman dijo...

Hi Sonia,

Thanks for inviting me to view your blog. Well, I'm really impressed. And I like the cute animation with the Colombian flag.

It'd be great if you post more information about your proposal on Blended learning. I'm very much interested in this learning and teaching approach and think that it works very well for EFL/ESL/ESP classes.

Wishing you all the best,
Buthaina Al Othman

Monica Aparicio dijo...

Hi Sonia
Your blog looks nice and the proposal of virtual? blended learning seems really exciting. I would like to know more about it. Do you have any F2F classes?
Take care
